He shucked the shell from the mussel, Gobbled the meats, and smiled and thought Of the tubers and greens he had rustled To roast up with beets, and steep in a sauce Refrain For days he had wandered and wondered Pondered and plundered larders for lard But he pondered too hard, and hungered again And so he restarted, his feast without end He napped in the bristles, while whistled by bolts and other such missiles, launching or lobbed Some battle, or siege, or bloody revolt He finished his meal, and started to nod After so brief a nap, of hardly a day, He awoke in a red battlefield He thought of the visceral waste and decay But just for a minute, then looked for a meal Refrain For weeks he had wandered and wondered Pondered and plundered larders for lard But he pondered too hard, and hungered again And so he restarted, his feast without end Something had always confused him Others abused him, but he just didn't bleed Or let in the spear tips, to puncture his skin He wondered why others, felt such wanton need If you really love life, do like him, just don't die Maintain your musk and deeply breathe in He'd tried to tell folk, just refuse to comply If a psychopomp visits, send him to kin Refrain For years he had wandered and wondered Pondered and plundered larders for lard But he pondered too hard, and hungered again And so he restarted, his feast without end Verse / G - - C / D - - G / G - - C / D - - G / Refrain / C - - G / C D G->Em / C D E->G / C D G - /