I return from a place of great evil, Where suffering fills the streets The gilded few live sheltered lives, While chewing on succulent meats When I arrived, I sought a kind soul Who could take my coin for the night To my surprise, a guard on patrol Had me arrested on sight I sat and moiled, in that dank cell I wondered and worried, what was my crime In anguish and sorrow I wept and yelled And lost all accounting of time Once a day, they fed me an evil slop Tasteless starch, wet and gray Too crude to eat, My spirits dropped But I lived to tribunal day I was led into a great chiseled dome Judges in cloaks, eyed my poor robes said I could not do my business alone I had to find lodging with someone I know "But I am a traveler" I had to cry, "I know no soul, who lives in this place" The -- judge looked up, to catch my green eyes And silenced my wails, with the cast of his face I slunk out to the marketplace A captain looked up, as if he well knew My previous tortures, showed in my face If I didn't want more, I should vacate his view I implored every stranger I saw, But all just ignored, my obvious pleas As curfew approached, I fled those great walls Preferring to sleep in the damp with the fleas And here, I return, half starved and half drowned But never again will I leave To avoid all the evil of cities and towns, Our rites should be followed to show we believe The old ways are best, this I have learned So bring out your sickle and robes Just one sacrifice left, and favor is earned And once more our harvest will grow Chords! D C D / C G D / D C D / C G D