Enjoy Our Hospitality

 Enjoy our hospitality
 Our beds, and bread and wine
 To sleep, and heal, our warmth to feel
 And worship our divine
 Welcome here, my traveler,  
 Through rain or hazing sun
 To work, or trade, our fields or stalls
 And feast when evening comes
 Enjoy our hospitality
 Our breads and bed and wine,
 To feel at home, although you roam
 Is the gift of our divine
 The roads are paved, and safe to walk
 Guarded day and night
 Scripts are saved, to be read and taught
 To know is its own delight
 Enjoy our hospitality
 Our Wine, and breads, and beds
 Though you may leave, You'll always grieve
 For the life you could have here instead
 Our walls are strong, our laws are fair
 And they show us how to live
 We all belong, in each other's care
 With just one life to give
 Enjoy our hospitality
 Our sacramental wine
 After one more night, in the dead moon's light
 You'll be born again, divine
 {chords, outro}
 G Am G
 F D G
 Am G F G
 F D G
 Am G F G
 F D G
 G Am G
 F D G